Wednesday 21 December 2011

Misty days

Check out these beautiful images, they are more like paintings really......

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Campbell Cloud Films on the move....

Campbell Cloud Films is moving to EPIC TV Norwich from the 9th January 2012.

Films in development:

'Step into the Silent Land' - a low-budget British feature film, based on the short film Into the Silent Land.

We are also developing a series of documentary films around teenage pregnancy and bullying.

Film School: New workshop dates will be announced in January.

Friday 4 November 2011



INTO THE SILENT LAND is screening as part of the Underwire Film Festival 2011.  
The film will be screened as part of the Ring Masters Programme, in which Val and myself have been nominated in the 'Best Producer' category. 

The screening is on Thursday 24th November, at 7.45pm at the Shortwave Cinema (10 Bermondsey Square, London SE1 3UN). 

You can see the rest of the line up of the Ring Masters Programme and purchase tickets for only £5.00 here:

Do snap them up quick, as there is limited availability!


INTO THE SILENT LAND is screening at Cinema City, Norwich on Friday 25th November at 6 pm. The film has a running time of 15 minutes and will be followed by a short Q & A with director, Jean Hogg afterwards.

Tickets are £5.00 / £4 Members/Concessions and can be purchased from the Box Office on 0871 902 5724.

Thank you to everyone who came to the first screening during the Norwich Sound and Vision Festival. Many people couldn’t get tickets so please come and support us now!
We will be organizing drinks and networking in the Cinema City bar afterwards to do come and join us.

INTO THE SILENT LAND is a short film shot on Super 16 mm about identical twin sisters who holiday near a working lighthouse on the North Norfolk coast.
The film is completely self-financed by the two producers Val Hanson and myself. We gained sponsorship from Kodak, Panavision, Panalux and Deluxe Post Production. We also gained support from i Lab, London and Alpha Cine, Seattle.
Everyone gave their time for expenses only and worked round the clock to get this film made. We also had amazing support from the Happisburgh Lighthouse Trust who allowed us unlimited access to the beautiful Happisburgh Lighthouse for a week in July 2010.

We took the film to the Cannes Short Film Corner in May and secured a distribution deal.
If you haven’t already seen the trailer here it is!

Monday 10 October 2011

Into the Silent Land - Cinema City, Norwich Premiere

The screening of 'Into the Silent Land' sold out at Cinema City. If you were there please email me feedback. Unfortunately our press photos have been damaged.
Look out for a review in the November edition of the Norwich Magazine.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Short film for National Adoption Week

Hi, looking for collaborators who have positive (but realistic) experiences of adoption. I would like to speak to anyone who would be happy to share some of their experiences to help me make a two-minute short film.

Please get in touch...

Thursday 25 August 2011

Into the Silent Land

Short film 'Into the Silent Land' will be screening on 1st October, at 11 am at Cinema City, Norwich part of the Picturehouse Cinemas.

Tickets can be purchased from the cinema and there are complimentary tickets available for cast, crew and friends.